Our Services

“You cannot make people learn. You can only provide the right conditions for learning to happen.” 

~ Vince Gowmon


So Much Fun, They Won't Know They're Learning....

A child’s world gets a little bigger every time they step—or crawl, or roll, or hop!...into our center. Here they can build a skyscraper, cook an imaginary feast, or heal a teddy bear’s runny nose. Everything in our classrooms is designed around their unique needs.

Safety first!

We know what it takes to keep children safe, so you can feel sound. It starts with paying attention to every detail—big and small. Every day at our center, you can be confident that your child is in the very best hands.

Helping them develop who they are

Education is about more than knowledge. It’s about helping children develop the social and emotional skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives. Every classroom is a mini-community where we help every child succeed on their own terms.

Teachers who become part of the family

We hire teachers who care. They do more than teach—they nurture every child, paying attention to everyone’s unique needs. At F.L.Y. Learning Center, your child will find teachers who believe in them, who give them the confidence to try new things and make new friends. 

Kindergarten Readiness

Kindergarten readiness is not just academics like knowing the alphabet or counting to 10. It includes motor skills like holding a pencil and using scissors. Also, self-care like getting dressed and not needing help in the bathroom.

Skills that will be Implanted within the center:

Tutoring Session

Individual and unique learning experience

Your child will receive an individualized learning experience he or she can’t always get in a classroom setting. Tutors can customize the lessons and activities just for your child

One-on-one attention

We get to know your child’s individual learning style and can adapt teaching methods accordingly. WE act as your child’s own private teacher.

Improves attitude towards learning and school

Learning will become fun for your child. With constant encouragement and praise, your child will no longer feel overwhelmed or frustrated with school.

Encourages self-paced and self-directed learning

With tutoring, your child will learn to take the initiative his or her school work. Your child will also learn how to control the learning pace.

Improves self-esteem and confidence

Your child’s self-esteem and confidence will increase through tutoring, by providing him or her with the resources and skills he or she needs to excel in school.